Cookies Policy
The following types of cookies may be used when you visit this website:
Analytics Cookies
Analytics cookies monitor how users reached the website, and how they interact with and move around once on the website. These cookies let us know what website features are working the best and what features can be improved. We record only anonymous information about your visit, which cannot be linked to you.
Our Cookies
“Our cookies” are “first-party cookies”, and can be either permanent or temporary. These are necessary cookies, without which the website would not work properly or be able to provide certain features and functionalities. Some of these may be manually disabled in your browser, but may affect the functionality of the website.
We use only “Session ID” cookies on this website. These cookies are deleted once you quit this website.
Personalisation Cookies
Personalisation cookies are used to recognize repeated visitors of the website and to record your browsing history, the pages you have visited, as well as your settings and preferences each time you visit the website. We do not use this type of cookies on this website.